All should enjoy December's diverse holidays - The Oakland Press Opinion

My essay responding to the ongoing "debate" or "controversy" over the use of "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" appears today in the Oakland Press.

GUEST: All should enjoy December's diverse holidays - The Oakland Press Opinion: The best place for news in and around Oakland County

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I shared this with the community because I've become deeply concerned about the reactionary nature of this debate. Demanding that one be greeted at Walmart with a Merry Christmas is not, in my view, a good way to put Christ back into Christmas. Whether or not the use of "Happy Holidays" is a sign of political correctness, is really beside the point. The point is whether this offers a true witness to the one we welcome at Christmas. I have shared my opinion with the community as a way of stimulating a broader conversation about the way we present ourselves to the broader community.


Anonymous saidā€¦
Christ is already in Christams...for Christ's sake. Um, sorry, for our sake. David Mc
Allan R. Bevere saidā€¦
Bob, I very much agree with your article except to add that as we recognize the great diversity of this season, no one should be muzzled not to wish a Merry Christmas either. That is a bad as insisting upon it. Neither should one should be muzzled not to wish a happy Hanukah. If a Jewish store clerk wished me a happy Hanukah, I would return with a like greeting.

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